How to get rid of parasites in the body? A parasite is an organism or plant that lives at the expense of another organism. Parasites, for several thousand years, have adapted to the conditions of existence in the living environment of the human body so well that the human body itself cannot recognize and exterminate the parasites. How to get rid of parasites in the body? Parasites throw the body into an imbalance, and some are even capable of endangering human life. According to statistics, we have a 9 in 10 chance of getting infected with parasites, no matter where we live. Even in the richest countries in Europe, every third inhabitant is affected by parasites. None of us, rich or poor, male or female, old or child, is immune to parasites. Authors of recent medical studies have found that at least one to five types of parasites live in the bodies of 95% of adults. Up to 300 types of parasites can live in the human body.
Doctors, examining a patient, are not able to examine him even for 15 to 20 parasites. According to the Ministry of Health, 70% of the population is affected by parasites. Also, these parasites behave very silently and you won't notice anything. For example: there are cases where a person is being treated for bronchial asthma and has tried all methods of treatment, but as soon as he starts an antiparasitic program and removes the parasites, the bronchial asthma stops. Children suffering from diseases like eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, severe forms of bronchitis: when the worms disappear, all health problems stop. It is difficult to detect a parasite in itself, it is almost impossible, because some secrete eggs in our feces, others do not, others can only be determined by blood, fourths can only be noticed, fifths are not detected and yet all of them greatly affect our morbidity.
How to get rid of parasites in the body: detection methods

Now there are new methods for determining parasites in the body by blood, it is necessary to get rid of parasites. All chemicals intended for worms carry a colossal danger to the person himself. What is a worm? This is a living cell, this is a living individual, like us. And there is nothing that can kill the worm and not kill us. The whole world is driving them out. Indians eat their spices, Koreans eat red pepper, Russians used to eat garlic, tansy, absinthe, that is. unpleasant and bitter substances. In general, everything related to spices, from celery, parsley, cardamom, cumin, dill seed, wormwood seed, is all anthelmintic, not anthelmintic. The worms must be expelled in live form. If a child has even half a pot of worms and they all die in the body, then a terrible intoxication will occur: the liver will be stopped, the kidneys will deteriorate, immunity will be impaired, the lymphatic system will be polluted. Each person, once every six months, must undergo an antiparasitic program. The only requirement is that this program is 100% secure. With the release of parasites, there are cases when serious diseases like diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, asthma, arthritis, cholecystitis, severe eczema, neurodermatitis, i. e. stop. once the parasites are gone, the person begins to flourish and recover.
Ascariasis is the most common disease. Red Ascaris, 40 cm long. First are parasites such as worms - they are small, white worms, and second are roundworms. During the day, the female drinks 40 ml of blood. 50% of the population suffers from anemia due to reduced hemoglobin. To find ascaris, a person must give the caterpillar feces three times in 21 days. Not a single person has been tested for eggworm three times. At the same time it is impossible to detect worm eggs in the stool. the female roundworm lays eggs once a month up to 245, 000 pieces, and it is very difficult to catch the moment when the eggs were laid. And how the ascaris lives is an incredible worm. It penetrates a person from an egg, that is, 90% of livestock - pigs, sheep, cows, etc. , are infected with worms, and vets will say that up to 100% are infected with worms. We use manure in the garden, and when we collect vegetables, herbs and mines, we can say that we do it conditionally, as we believe there is no chemistry. But the caterpillar can be anywhere, because it enters the soil with manure, in which there are thousands, millions, billions of these eggs. Rarely does anyone wash bananas. Bananas are brought in in large cellars from exotic countries. There are hordes of rats running around pissing on those bananas. They also carry oranges and tangerines. Therefore, these fruits must be washed well before use. Ascaris, entering our stomach as a larva, gnaws through the stomach, enters the liver, gnaws through the liver, ascends through the lymphatic system through the blood to the lungs, in the lungs gnaws at the lymph nodes and the child begins to cough, he coughs for a long time time: one month, two, three, while it is there it does not mature, so it gnaws at the lymph node, it enters the sputum and the child expects it, but it is usually all swallowed back (adults sometimes spit it out), then it enters the stomach a second time and then turns into an adult.
Hookworm - a parasite of the human intestine of roundworms. A small (4 cm) worm with a chitin-coated oral capsule armed with a stylet and teeth to pierce and hold the intestinal wall. Hookworm has natural teeth. This is a larva that gnaws at intact skin. Only pieces remain from the intestines. Eggs develop in moist soil and embryos, according to the latest observations, can actively enter a person through the skin, whereas previously it was assumed that embryos entered only with drinking water. Reproduction takes place in the human intestine, where A. causes injury and hemorrhage. Nobody is examined for hookworms, this is not accepted, although statistics show that it develops mainly in southern cities where it is hot, for example in Ukraine, as the worm needs a temperature of 18 ° C to develop in a complete larval state. These larvae, penetrating the body, settle everywhere: in the intestines, heart, brain, liver, it simply breaks down all the organs, which is the cause of fatal diseases. By the way, strabismus in a child develops precisely because of the hookworm.
Giardia is a highly specific intestinal parasite of mammals (humans, rabbits, mice), amphibians and some invertebrates. The body is pear-shaped, bilaterally symmetrical. Length 8-30 um. The concave ventral side forms a sucker for attachment to host intestinal epithelial cells. In any water there is 100% Giardia, if the water is not boiled. The source of infection is a sick person or carrier, because. along with the feces, the pathogens are released. The route of transmission is fecal-oral, through undercooked food and/or contaminated water.
Fungi - fungi constantly live around us, they are in all products. For example: when mold forms on products. Either we throw it away (which happens less often) or we cut off the damaged part and eat the rest. If part of the product is moldy, the whole product will be affected. This product cannot be consumed. If there are black spots on a banana, that doesn't mean it's sweet - there's a fungus on it and it's not just on the skin, but it's also inside the banana, so you shouldn't eat bananas with black spots. It is better to take unripe green bananas. Why are there no fungi on green bananas? Because the fungus only settles on mature products.
Usual culinary processing of food does not destroy the larvae. You cannot guarantee the purity of food by boiling or frying meat. A large number of larvae still penetrate its body. We can only hope for immunity. As a result of unfavorable environmental conditions, exposure to drugs including antibiotics, overwork, stress, malnutrition, use of preservatives, people experience a decrease in immunity. Almost all parasites love vitamins, trace elements, especially iron and hormones, protein-carbon foods, sugar and much more. They devour everything and release toxins by engulfing red blood cells and weakening the immune system. Reaching a certain stage of development, they simply block the immune system, affecting the tissues of the organs.
Treatment for parasites

As already mentioned, to be treated for parasites or to perform prophylaxis (even if you think you don't have parasites) it is necessary once every six months.
One of the recipes to cleanse the body of parasites: Take a glass of tansy flowers (grind) and a glass of bitter wormwood, mix everything and grind everything in a coffee grinder. Add to this mixture another 10 grams of cloves, previously ground in a coffee grinder. Use this mixture in dry form inside: in the morning on an empty stomach, eat a tablespoon of the mixture and drink a glass of boiled water. This is a very effective folk remedy. When consumed, this mixture settles on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, causing parasites to be "forced" out of the body. To enhance the effect, so that the parasites finally come out, it is necessary to take a laxative - 150-200 ml of vegetable oil, and after emptying the intestines, in conclusion, put an enema to wash the remains of the parasites from the intestines.
Another, no less effective to expel parasites from the body: boil 3 cloves of garlic in milk in a water bath and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, for 1-2 weeks, then one interrupt and then repeat the course of treatment.